Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bored: Time For A Change

When I get bored I get this itch to change things: re-arrange furniture, organize drawers, straighten up cabinets, etc. I did a nice purging of my room on Sunday that made me feel accomplished. Butttt, I think I want to change the set up of my furniture. I am contemplating getting a love seat for my room which would mean getting rid of something too. I inherited some items when I moved in. AV left behind a desk, nightstand, and bookshelf. I use the nightstand, and the bookcase is in my closet housing my towels and sheets. The desk has my TV sitting on it along with a lamp, some pictures, candles, and other small random things. I would be willing to part with this for a love seat. With some finagling I think I can make it all fit! Doing this change should satisfy my itch for a few months.

Until I can get to doing all of that, I am going to change the background of this blog!

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