Saturday, July 2, 2011

Gelato Truck: A Hot Mess

Friday I went on my maiden gelato truck voyage. I have driven the truck to the repair shop but I have never been to an event before. A lady, who happens to be an investor in Sucre, booked the truck for the employees at her business as a nice summer treat.

Most people would assume taking a big, colorful truck filled with cool sweets around town would be fun and enjoyable. Wrong. This was possibly the most miserable task I have ever done for Sucre.

I went along with another gal from one of the stores who has taken the truck out before, so she drove. We quickly realized that the brakes were not so reliable so we detoured by a Pep Boys to get brake fluid. Being ladies with no formal training in gelato truck maintenance, we popped the hood and stood there looking for the brake fluid holder. This was noticed by an older gentleman who came to our rescue and attempted to chat us up. Once the brakes were functioning we were on our way to our destination in Metairie.

The "air conditioning" in the truck is a pitiful joke. We had the sliding windows open but in 93 degree weather that did not really help much. Since this was an investor we were advised to take special care in our appearance. No shorts, no skirts, no cleavage, no open-toed shoes. Jeans, Sucre shirt, clean look. With these instructions I wore my nice jeans, cute slip on shoes, my white Sucre shirt and a white tank top underneath to make sure I was covered. OMG I was burning up!! With little to no air flow I was sweating, err glistening, like a pig!

To add to the fun there was a horribly foul smell coming from the truck that patrons were noticing as well. We deduced that it must be the tank that holds water for the truck. Gross.

So we have unbelievable heat, lack of AC, uncomfortable clothes and a nasty smell. But that is not all that made this trip less than fun. Upon attempting to wrangle myself into this death trap I ripped my jeans and cut my leg on a random piece of metal. That just pissed me off. I have not had these jeans long and I was considering them my "nice" jeans (i.e. not raggedy at the bottoms, not stained from work, etc.) But now they have a nice little slit in them on the knee cap. Grrrr.

While I had my battles with the elements and the truck itself, the people we were serving were super nice and the actual work part was not complicated at all. I guess I now know a little more about what to expect should I be asked to take this thing out for another spin. Here are a few pictures from our adventure. Enjoy!

The truck parked and ready to serve up some treats!
Don't be fooled, this is not a smile of happiness, rather one of heat-induced delirium.
Look at all of those yummy flavors!
Tubs of gelato and sorbet
My ripped jeans. You can't see my bloody knee but it is in there.

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