Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What A Wednesday

I am kind of in a crap mood. My day didn't start off on a bad note. I mean, sure I would like to have slept in a little later, but I knew I needed to get to work early since I had to leave at 3:00. Bare with me as I vent some in this post. Here is how my Hump Day has gone so far:

I went to Lakeside this morning to continue working on a project for work. This consisted of spending an hour on the phone on hold and an hour talking to a guy in Ohio about software I know nothing about. Because I was spending an uncomfortable amount of time with the phone squeezed between my head and shoulder I took my earrings off and sat them in front of the computer screen. They are still sitting there (hopefully) since I forgot to put them back in when I left. After all of that fun, I went to the kitchen to help out (i.e. do the things my co-worker didn't want to do). I spent an hour packaging marshmallows. This task sucks on a normal day, but it was worse today because I was attempting to avoid getting powdered sugar on my black shirt. (I did not know that I was going to be at the kitchen this morning when I got dressed. I have been sporting "cuter" outfits on the days I am at the store as opposed to my casual t-shirt and jeans look at the kitchen).

So I spent a few hours at the kitchen before heading to my 3:30 dentist appointment. I bought a Groupon a few months back for x-rays and a cleaning that I had been procrastinating on using, so today seemed as good a day as any. Well. Apparently my diligent flossing has been in vain because it turns out I have a few "flossing cavities". What the hell?! I have been brushing my teeth and flossing more in the past year than ever before in my life. Frustrating. Also, expensive. Great!!! Up until this point my day had been so-so, but this news of a dental dilemma left a sour taste in my mouth (not literally as I had freshly cleaned teeth). But despite this set-back, I had to chug on with my day.

I had been watching the gas prices at a few Shell stations around town looking for the lowest price. I knew that I had accumulated 50 cents off per gallon with my Winn Dixie card so I figured I would wait until my tank was pretty low (dad, pretend you didn't read that), find the cheapest gas, then smile with delight at my savings. Yeah, so I did the super-low-tank thing, but then when I used my GasBuddy app on my phone, which has always been very helpful and accurate, it led me on a wild goose chase all through Treme and the Seventh Ward. The first station I tried was not a Shell despite my app insisting it was. The second Shell was about 15 cents more expensive than my app said AND they did not participate in the Winn Dixie Rewards Program. So, in my stubbornness to get my deal I drove back to my side of town and went to a Shell I knew existed and I knew accepted my grocery card. Unfortunately this Shell no longer had their gas listed as $3.39 a gallon, but a whopping $3.60?!?! But at this point my low gas light had come on (again, dad, pretend you didn't read that) so I caved and spent $3.10 a gallon. I guess that is still a decent price. But I swear just yesterday prices everywhere were lower. We must be on a price increase swing again. Booo!

After typing all of this I realize that my day has not been *that* bad, it just had some bumps in the road I was not expecting. I did have a card from my Maw-maw waiting for me in my mail box when I got home so that put a smile on my face! Now that I have bummed around and refused to do anything on my "to do" list I feel like I have wasted what could have been a decent evening. But I am not going to beat myself up too bad, there is always tomorrow!

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