Thursday, June 16, 2011


Lists are taking over my life. I make them constantly for everything. I write them on paper, I type them into an app on my phone, I make them mentally in my head. They consume me. I have "To Do" lists that never end. I have "Need to Buy" lists for groceries, presents, and other necessities. I have a list of account login and passwords so I won't forget them all! My "Notes" app on my phone has a list of books I want to check out as well as a wish list for the house (luckily some of those items have been deleted since we acquired curtains and a new trash can). At work I make lists of products I need to package for Internet orders, as well as a list of things I can do when other work is scarce so I don't get bored.

I suppose that while lists are a major part of my life, that isn't such a bad thing. I enjoy the satisfaction of deleting something or marking through a task as I complete it. Sometimes I even put simple things on my "To Do" list just so I can delete an item and feel like I have accomplished something. (i.e. "Take a shower". Duh, I am going to do this regardless of whether it is written down somewhere, but once I am fresh and clean I can scratch through those words and smile!)

Today's "To Do" List:

--Finish project at Lakeside

--Finish special orders at the kitchen

--Go by the post office

--Dust bedroom

--Go through my room and set aside any items I don't want/need anymore so I can take them to Goodwill

--Shower (hehe!)

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