Monday, June 6, 2011

New House Mate

The other day Evan, Brie and I sat down and composed an ad for Craigslist advertising Nick's old room. We listed all of the basics about the house, wrote a blurb about us and what kind of roommate we were seeking and sent our hopes of finding a sane, tidy, responsible person out into the cyber world.

By the end of the evening we had received several responses from guys and gals hoping to see the available space. Some emails were short and sweet ("Is the room still available? Call me.") while other people took the time to type up some information about themselves and what they were looking for. Once we had a good group of emails to sort through we set up appointment times for the prospective roommates to come by our house.

Evan invited AV over to scope people out since he is basically the fifth roommate here anyway. Andrew ended up swinging by as well so it was a group effort! Might as well let the new person know what they are in for, right?

We ended up seeing four girls and two guys. One girl was a "hell no"! WEIRD! Nice, but strange, and she looked like she had fallen off a bike or something because her knees and arm were all scraped and scabbed. Plus she was 19. No thanks. Two other ladies were nice and closer to our age but once they saw the size of the closet...I mean room, they did not seem as interested. Luckily one guy, the second person to come check us out, seemed like a good fit. We all agreed after he left that we liked him, but wanted to meet the rest of the people coming by first. And even though we had not specified in our ad, we had all agreed that we would prefer to have a guy move in to balance things out.

I am not positive as to when our new amigo will be joining us (Evan is in communications with him), but his name is Cameron. He is a chef originally from Mississippi. His girlfriend (who came over with him to see the house) lives a few blocks away and appeared normal. Other than that I do not know a great deal about him at this point. But we all got a chill vibe from him so we shall see!

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