Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Circus Is In Town

Last night I went to the Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey Circus with Ed from work, his girlfriend, his 2 year old niece, and 7 year old nephew. We were kind of a strange group, but oh well. Having kids with us made me feel like a kid too! I am not around youngsters often, but I think I did a fair job of sounding enthusiastic when appropriate and keeping the older one entertained.

I have not been to a circus in years!! I was super excited about going :)
These tigers did not speak English. The guy in there with him was saying commands but I could not figure out what language they were in!
There were a lot of extremely flexible and limber people in this circus. Folks hanging in the air, jumping, flipping, walking on tight ropes, contortionist, you name it, they had it.
They managed to put 7 men on 7 dirt bikes in that metal ball! They were zooming around so fast, one mess up and it could have been disastrous!
Everybody loves the elephants! These large performers danced all over the place.
The show lasted about 2 and 1/2 hours so to me it was worth the price ($27 a ticket)
Lots of confetti for the finale!

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