Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Multi-Tiered Deliveries

I did some more wedding cake deliveries on Saturday. It is always cool to see the different places one can choose to get married at in this city. We have been to museums, restaurants, courtyards, and official government buildings throughout the greater New Orleans area. Here are the latest in Sucre designs.

We actually saw the bride at this delivery and she loved her cake. The purple around the layers matched her ribbon color perfectly.
This cake required some on-sight assembly. We brought it in two pieces; the top two tiers and then the three bottoms one. Also the roses were attached once we arrived.
This cake was set up at the New Orleans Museum of Art. It too came in multiple pieces that we put together there.
This was the groom's cake at NOMA. The helmet part is not actually cake and can be moved to any angle on top of the edible tiers.

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