Monday, June 20, 2011


Yesterday I went out for a nice dinner at the Pelican Club with Brie, AV, Daniel, and Evan. We all enjoyed a delicious meal at a very appetizing 50% off thanks to Evan's employee discount! I rarely eat steak, but could not help but indulge in the fillet mignon. However, I think I am going to blame that medium rare steak for the craziness my subconscious came up with last night!

First off I was engaged to my high school boyfriend. Yuck. Then, when I was trying to tell him about some of the wedding plans I had come up with he informed me that we were not having a big ceremony, we were going to get married "over the mountain". Even in my "dream" I knew that it was a mistake to marry him. Then, as most of my mind's nighttime activities go, suddenly I was somewhere completely different, though still engaged. I was at my childhood friend's house in her bathroom shaving my head with an electric buzzer. (Think Britney Spears during her mental breakdown.) My mom came by and seemed mad but my defense was "you let Bryan do it". The battery kept dying and I was trying to find replacements because I knew I would look ridiculous with just the top part of my head bald.

I have no idea why I was dreaming about someone I dated over eight years ago, nor why I was in a house that I haven't been inside of in well over a decade. The hair thing could have sprung from the fact that AV was obsessing over my hair at dinner per usual. (He is super weird about my hair, I believe his latest comment was "you could get top dollar for you hair if you chose to sell it". Umm no thanks.) But I am not sure about the drastic hairstyle change!

I am hoping tonight I have much more pleasant dreams that involve me keeping my hair!

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