Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer Job

For the summer the packaging area that I work in is cutting its budget since the Internet orders slow way down during the hotter months. Because of this I have been asked to do a little bit of shifting around for the next few months (June-September). This way the kitchen and the stores can absorb my pay check into their budgets without cutting my hours. (I was told that the boss made it clear he wants me to stay with the company and wants to find things for me to do so that I do not seek other employment....flattering I suppose.)

I started this new schedule of sorts on Monday and thus far I have been at the Magazine Street store working on special projects on my computer. I am working with another gal to create party package options for customers. This way when someone calls or comes in wanting to have their kid's party here we will have some formal options to offer them. I have also researched large wine racks to accommodate around 100 bottles for the store to use (READ: I spent the day playing around on the Internet). The plan is for me to be in the kitchen at the end of the week. Most likely I will be assembling macaroons.

So, as for now, I can say goodbye to daily paper cuts and adios to the tape gun. Its hello laptop and aprons for a while!

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