Thursday, January 26, 2012

What's Up

  • My sickness is nearly over. Still have a slight cough though...might just be because humans are not meant to inhale large quantities of lust dust/glitter on a daily basis
  • In an effort to avoid nibbling on my nails I have been painting them on a weekly basis. For any manicured ladies (or gentleman) out there: what is the "it" color of the season?
  • I feel a purge coming on. I want to go through the house and get rid of, trash, or donate anything that does not have a place or an acceptable use.
  • Now that I have finished The Hunger Games I need another good book to dive into. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have a few lying around that I could pick up, but I was wondering if there is anything out there that I should prioritize?
And now for your viewing pleasure simply because this kind of non-sense always makes me laugh :) Enjoy!

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