Sunday, January 29, 2012

They Can't ALL Be Productive

I have been one big sack of lazy bones this weekend! I never even got out of my pj's yesterday. I guess I haven't wasted every second; I did some cooking, watched some movies, read a little. To use up some of my produce I made pasta sauce on Saturday and roasted the sweet potatoes, beets and turnip tonight. Brie and I watched O' Brother Where Art Thou?--I have not seen that movie in years! There are so many funny lines I had forgotten about! Today AV, Brie and I went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie. It wasn't bad but I had some serious ADD going on and could not get out of there fast enough!

Booooo to another Monday coming around :(


  1. So is the movie as good as the first one?

  2. It is very similar in nature, but I liked the first one better because there was more Rachel McAdams :)
