Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Got A Z-Pak Baby!

This morning I decided that a week of feeling like crud was long enough. Since my attempt at drowning this junk with alcohol and zydeco music last night failed, I headed out to seek professionally prescribed drugs! My mission first led to me the New Orleans Urgent Care on Magazine Street, unfortunately for me they stopped accepting patients five minutes before I arrived. Bummer. So I turned to my trusty smart phone and found another Urgent Care type facility on the West Bank in Gretna. Over the river I went and waited in a cold room with a bunch of sick and ailing folks watching Property Virgins. Woo Hoo. I probably waited a total of an hour and half and was seen by the doctor for literally less than a minute. But whatever, he gave me a Rx for a Z-Pak and Prednisone so I am happy. Plus I had time to re-arrange the apps on my phone, delete unnecessary contacts, look up stuff on eBay, make a new "to do" list and do some Facebook stalking. Not a total waste of time.

Now I am one dose in and feeling ever so slightly better. But this recent change in condition may have to be accredited to the AWESOME pork shoulder Evan and Jon fixed everybody today. It was mighty tasty (the fact that I could actually taste it is saying something about my improving health!)

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