Monday, January 2, 2012

Merry Late Christmas

During my short trip home I was fortunate enough to be able to visit with both sides of my family. We caught up, enjoyed good home cooking, and exchanged gifts. It was so nice to slow down and be around the people I love, especially after the craziness my life had been the past few weeks. (Prior to flying home I worked 278 hours over the course of 25 straight days.)

Below are a hodge podge of pictures from both the Brogan and Smith get-togethers.

Mom & Dad Christmas morning
Bryan in his new snuggie!
Nita, Judy & Mom chatting about a new pot cleaner
Mom & Maw-maw chatting by the Smith stockings
Bryan being weird, Dad & Paw-paw looking over a card
Grant, Bernie & Dale waiting for the dinner bell to ring!
The Other Smith Clan: Lesley, Joanna & John
Grandmaw with her new snowman
Sitting around waiting for the gift exchange to begin
Mike & Grandmaw deep in conversation
Nothing like family to make the holidays feel right :)

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