Thursday, January 12, 2012

An Adventure in Candling

So I saw this thing called candling on an episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians (yeah, I like to watch that show...don't judge me!) and decided that I too needed to try it too! I had chatted with some folks at work about it and heard mixed reviews. None-the-less Brie and I gave it a shot earlier this week!

The premise: Purchase an ear candling kit which includes 2 long hollow candles. Lie on your side, place a candle in your ear, light one end up. When the candle is only about 3" tall your time is up.

Our supplies and one used candle in the middle

Yup, that's a flaming hollow candle sticking out of my ear!

The "wax" that came out of my ear.
Thoughts: I seriously doubt that is my ear wax in the candle. I did not feel anything "happening" while lying on my side. Since participating in this little experiment I have had the slightest bit of an earache. Nothing too bad; it could have been from shoving a stick in my ear, who knows! I was hoping to be able to hear better post procedure, but I have not noticed any difference.

I don't think I will be candling again anytime soon, but it was something to do!

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