Friday, January 20, 2012

My Movie Must Sees

I am so happy that I *finally* figured out how to post videos on here!! So, in honor of my new-found skill I want to share a list of movies I want/need/have to see soon accompanied by their trailer!

1) The Vow: I love love love Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum is easy on the eyes so in my mind this movie is the perfect combination of sappy, girly, romantic, sad, lovey-dovey junk!

2) 21 Jump Street: I have never seen the original television show by the same name so I am not sure if there are any similarities but its another Channing Tatum film and it looks like it will be good for a laugh or two!

3) The Woman In Black: While I am not a Harry Potter fan, I am willing to watch Daniel Radcliffe in this spooky movie!

4) The Hunger Games: OMG I cannot wait! I am about 100 pages away from finishing the trilogy and am so looking forward to watching Woody Harrelson portray drunk, cranky Haymitch!

5) Friends With Kids: Maya Rudolph is hilarious! And the cute Irish guy from Bridesmaids is adorable. These help negate the fact that Megan-puke-Fox is in this movie as well...I'm hoping her role is a small one. Looks funny and cute though :)

So there ya have it folks, some upcoming cinematic adventures I hope to go on. What movies are you looking forward to this year?

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