Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lessons I Forgot I Learned

While making the pilgrimage back to New Orleans I recollected other lessons from the road that I forgot to mention in my previous post. So here is a continuation of my knowledge gained:

Playing Opossum
I drove through Alabama at night on my way up and I swear I have never seen more dead opossums in the roads before in my life. They were everywhere. I managed to swerve out of the way a few times, but one poor opossum got an unwelcome greeting from my front tire. Oops. Obviously they venture out at night because I did not see any on my route back south during the day.

Mississippi is not a happening state. At least not from Meridian to Hattiesburg and on through to Louisiana. I found that food, fuel, and facilities were few and far between! So if an urge hits or the gas tank is creeping low you better stop at the first exit that advertises your needs because goodness knows when you will pass another.

People Cannot Drive
I have not been officially diagnosed, but I strongly believe that I have a touch of road rage that flares up regularly. Throughout my adventure you could hear me say "helllooo?!?!" and "what the hell are you doing?!?!" to numerous fellow drivers. For the record it is not okay to putt along at 55MPH in a 70 zone. I don't care how old you are, if you have a handicap tag, or if a baby is on board. Tough. Either speed up or get out of my way!

Comfort Is Key
Whenever I fly I try to wear comfortable clothes because I know that I am going to be stuck in a tiny seat next to a stranger for hours. There is no time to be adjusting fancy outfits, or peeling out of layers to accommodate the temperature. The same goes for long drives in my book, minus the stranger sitting beside me. I found that I prefer to drive in a loose, casual dress. Nothing frilly or complicated, just simple and leisurely. This way I am not uncomfortable while driving, but I am presentable whenever I need to make a stop and be seen by other humans.

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