Monday, May 30, 2011

3 Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day to everyone! Unfortunately I have not participated in any cookouts or boils during my three day weekend, though I did have fun yesterday. I went to a late lunch with AV and Andrew at Lebanon's as I cannot turn down a chance to get their delicious lentil soup. After our Mediterranean Feast as AV called it we came back to Joseph Street to lounge off our food coma. We all watched/slept through The Ladykillers until the hankering for Creole Creamery could not be contained any longer! Post ice cream extravaganza we dispersed temporarily until meeting back up to see The Hangover Part II at the Prytania. It was very similar to the first one except for a scenery change from Vegas to Thailand. Funny, risque, predictable, raunchy and entertaining. So that was my Sunday. Now my Monday is looking like it is going to be consumed by instant Netflix, laundry and hanging out.

Random AV quote: "If your hair was pasta it would be Angel Hair Pasta." (He thinks my hair is the softest he has ever felt?!)

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