Sunday, May 8, 2011

Jazz Fest

Today was the last day of Jazz Fest but I was resisting going because I didn't want to spend the $60 for a ticket. So instead I went to work to get a head start on Monday's pile of orders. However, my plans for the day changed when I was offered free tickets to Jazz Fest! So I quickly left work, went home, changed clothes, then headed to Mid-City to the Fairgrounds.

After meeting up with Brie, Andrew and AV we decided it was "treats time". At Andrew's recommendation I tried the crawfish bread which was possibly the best thing I have ever eaten! It was a concoction of bread, crawfish and gooey cheese!!! YUM!
The big name of the day that I was interested in seeing was Kid Rock. He is the one in the middle wearing white. We stayed and watched a few songs of his before wandering on to another stage.
Brie and I were working on our tans.
A bluegrass band.
Alligator pie that toppled to the ground approximately two seconds after this photo was taken. From the few bites I was able to enjoy it was really good. Major fail on my part.
By the end of the day I was pretty sweaty and my feet were filthy, but I had a good time jamming out!

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