Monday, May 2, 2011


Things I did while in Virginia:

>>Grandmaw and I drove over to the cabin to check on things, then meandered down Goshen Pass. It was a very nice day out and I stopped to take lots of pictures along the way.

>>I ate at Kenny's. Twice actually, but the first time was a little disappointing because they only had white meat chicken. The dark meat is where it is at. I have not eaten fried chicken in New Orleans, but I am pretty sure nothing could compare to Kenny's yard bird. Delicious.

>>Judy, mom and I went to Roanoke and got pedicures. It was much needed in my case and now they look presentable. My first night back in NOLA, Guy complimented me on them, so they must like nice!

>>I visited with Maw-maw and Paw-paw at their house. We sat around and caught up on things. I showed Paw-paw the route I drove on a map on my phone. I think technology baffles him some.

>>Mom, dad and I rode 4-wheelers up on the hill behind our house. It was getting dark so we didn't stay too long, but the view of the mountains was gorgeous. I had to soak in as much mountain scenery as possible since I live below sea level these days.

>>Cori and I met up at The Palms one evening for drinks and a mini-high school reunion. It was a lot of "I recognize him, but I don't remember his name" and "was she in your class?". Certainly was entertaining to see how people had changed!

>>I stopped by the house on Houston Street that my mom's side of the family rents out to see the progress they have made on renovating it. The house is nearly ninety years old, but I love the lay out. It reminds me of my place in Roanoke. I could tell they have done a lot already and it is looking very nice for any future renter!

>>I loved on Lucky and Little Kitty every chance I got. Despite being allergic to them, I suffered through the runny nose and itchy eyes because they are my pets and I love them. Lucky ignored me Saturday morning when I was packing up my car to leave. He could sense something was up and I guess he was not happy about it. He is still my "poops" though!

>>Mom, Dad, Bryan and I had our picture taken for the church directory. The man who was posing us kept calling Bryan "Hardrock" and he posed us in the most unnatural positions. We laughed a lot and the pictures were definitely worth more than a 1,000 words!

So those were some of the main highlights from my vacation home. I am glad I was able to visit with lots of friends and family, though I did not see everyone I would have liked to. Now it is back to the hustle and bustle of life in the Big Easy. In less than two weeks mom and dad will be in town so I better finish polishing up their itinerary!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had a great trip! Sure do wish I could've seen you. Let's start planning a reunion!! <3 Whitney
