Tuesday, May 10, 2011

It Happened Again

About a year and a half ago I was a happy-go-lucky Twilight resister. I was content with my decision not to partake in the madness that is a world filled with sparkly vampires and uber-buff werewolves. That stuff is ridiculous, right? Well, somehow I got sucked in to watching the first movie of the series. The acting was less than stellar and the visual effects left something to be desired; but the worst part was that I was hooked.

Fast forward to this past Monday. I am at work doing my work thing when I get a text.

Brie: You'll never guess what's on tv and I decided to watch...
Me: I have no clue
Brie: Twilight!!! Aaaa!!! Can't believe I'm still watching
Me: Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! I never thought I'd hear that come out of your mouth!
Brie: Don't laugh, but I kinda wanna watch the next one...

So when I got home from work Brie, the girl who HATES Twilight and thinks it is all a bunch of rubbish, had finished watching the first movie and was waiting for me to pop New Moon into the DVD player! And, to continue with this day of disbelief, we stayed up and watched Eclipse too!

I have offered the books to her but for the time being she has declined. She did however show interest in seeing the first part of Breaking Dawn with me in November when it hits theaters! I will probably re-read the books prior to the next film's release, just to brush up on the details.

While the Twilight Saga is no piece of scholarly work by any means and it is relatively cheesy, there is something about it that has drawn me, and now Brie, in.

Oh, and in case any one was wondering, we are both Team Edward :)

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