Thursday, March 1, 2012

Muses & d'Etat

I may have missed a bunch of parades but Muses was not one of them! The all-female Krewe tends to be a favorite for many including myself. Their main theme are heels/shoes...since they are women and all!

You can't really see her, but Patricia Clarkson is at the top of the shoe!

I luckily had a connection this year and was thrown one of the coveted Muses Shoes!! I did not realize until I got it home that there is a big ol' gold spider on the tip of it!! I am deathly afraid of spiders...but I do love my shoe!!

Some of the fun ladies marching in the parade between floats

Ain't this the truth!

Brie, Max, Zach & Me enjoying d'Etat! Not sure who the guy is on the far left?!

I sported some funky nails for the end of the Mardi Gras season! They were the sticker-no paint/drying kind that are really popular right now!

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