Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hogs for the Cause

Saturday was the 4th annual Hogs for the Cause fundraiser at City Park. It is a large gathering of different teams/restaurants creating yummy pork dishes in hopes of earning the title "Grand Champion". There are non-competing tents as well. Sucre takes the gelato truck out to offer sweet treats for the crowd. Along with the plethora of food options, there is live music as well!

Brie and I went to check it out and enjoyed a beautiful afternoon taking lots of Hipstamatic pictures! Due to the excessive amount of rain during the week, the field that the event took place in was still rather swampy but despite this minor set back there were a ton of folks out getting their pork-eatin' fund-raisin' party on!

Oaks with a temporary mini-lake

Lucy's booth had games that we played and won fun things like this toy whale :)

Working on our tans

The turn-out looked great!

The 610 Stompers had a dunking booth game!

I went for it and tried The Company Burger's "Tongue Slider"

Me with my Tongue Slider and Amy

The event is a fundraiser for Pediatric Brain Cancer. I have not heard any numbers yet, but I hope they raised a ton of money to help lots of families in need!

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