Saturday, March 17, 2012

Sloppy Neat Freak

I think I have come to the realization that I am a sloppy neat freak. I hate clutter and disorganization in any area of my life with one exception: my bedroom. Frequently my boudoir looks like a bunch of tiny bombs went off all across it. A pile of dirty clothes here, a stack of papers there. Unopened mail, yesterday's shoes tossed a side, clean clothes that just didn't quite make it back to their correct drawer. Stuff is everywhere.

I suppose my rational can boil down to this: my bedroom = my space; if it is messy I am to blame. However, if the kitchen/living room is in disarray well that could certainly be someone else's fault. Communal areas should be kept tidy for appearance sake as well as general consideration for the other folks using the space. Having said all of this, I desperately need to get off this computer and clean my room up! It is getting scary gross in here!!

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