Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Travel Troubles

Though I would not consider myself a "frequent flier" I have certainly increased my time in the air since moving to Louisiana and luckily have never experienced any issues. That is until my most recent ride in the sky.

I intentionally schedule my flights home so that I leave very early from LA on my first day and very late from VA on my last day so that I can optimize the amount of time I am at home and do not waste an entire day in an airport. That being said, I missed my 6:00am flight home and had to hang out at the airport until my newly scheduled 9:30am departure. I learned a few lessons from this incident: 1) Friday 6am flights are popular and therefore, it is crucial to pre-check in online/arrive early and 2) It is nearly impossible to sleep in an airport when employees make announcements over the intercom every few minutes.

Not only did I miss my initial flight but I nearly missed my connection in Charlotte because the lady who put me on the later flight gave me 9 minutes to get from one side of the airport to the other! Thank goodness that plane was a little late so I had a few minutes to catch my breath before boarding.

Both of my flights were rather turbulent due to the wind and tornado warnings! None the less I eventually made it to Virginia in one piece.

The weather continued to work against me on my return trip. Lynchburg to Charlotte was no problem, but my second flight was delayed by 3 hours! There was "air traffic congestion" that caused my 10:30pm flight to depart at 1:30am. Sigh. I had a heads up on this delay so I made sure to have my computer with me so I could watch Dexter while I waited!

All-in-all: too much sitting in airports, buuuutttt at least my luggage managed to keep up with me :)

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