Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Big Easy Rollergirls

Saturday evening I experienced my first ever roller derby! The Big Easy Rollergirls faced off against the Dixie Derby Girls from Huntsville, AL. I have seen the movie Whip It, but other than that I had no clue what the sport was about. Check out what Wikipedia has to say about it to learn the rules.

We were rooting for the gals in black and gold (duh!)
There was definitely some pushing and shoving going on but nothing too nasty in nature. All of the players have cool nicknames designed to intimidate like Bang Crosby, Coalminer's Slaughter, Joan Cougar Menstrualcramp, and Deb U Taunt. It was definitely an experience!

There were multiple Elvises running around tossing out candy and plastic cups! Here is Military Elvis.
The half-time entertainment was provided by the Rebirth Rollers. They had some smooth moves on their skates!
They were skating backwards in slow-motion! Skills!
While I am not sure that I understand the sport completely, it was something fun to watch! The Big Easy Rollergirls beat the Alabama gals 130-93!!

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