Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bob Dylan!!

A few months back I found out that Bob Dylan was going to be performing at the Lakefront Arena and boy was I excited!! Then a couple of weeks ago Brie surprised me by saying that she had bought us tickets!! So Tuesday night we drove out to the arena and settled into our seats to see Mr. Dylan himself! Leon Russell opened for the show but neither of us knew who he was.

As you can see, Bob was wearing a black suit (there were red stripes down the side of his pants, and his lapel was red as well) while his band sported matching gray suits. He did not play as many song that I knew as I would have liked, but it was fun none-the-less. He rocked out on the piano, guitar, and of course his famous harmonica!

I have always said that I wanted to see Bob Dylan in concert and now I finally have :) Woo hoo!!

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