Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Birthday America

To avoid loosing too many hours from my paycheck, I picked up a shift at the Magazine Street store on Monday. So my 4th started with 6 1/2 hours at Sucre! It wasn't so bad. I have not worked behind the counter since last October so I was a little out of the groove, but it all worked out. After putting in my hours I headed home, changed out of my sugar-coated clothes and went to a crawfish boil with Brie! After socializing for a few hours and getting our fill of mud bugs (I could eat them every day and never get tired of them!) I went home and basically crashed. My desire for laziness and sleep outweighed my wanting to see fireworks. So I was lame and hung out at the house. I did step outside when I heard explosions nearby but I couldn't really see much because of trees and buildings. Later I was talked into making a Creole Creamery run with Andrew and AV. Then it was back to bed for me! Happy Birthday America! I enjoyed crawfish and ice cream in your honor :)

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