Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Might Need Stitches

Brie has been working on her special effects make-up skills a lot recently, making herself look bruised, cut, and all shot up. I never know what I will come home to see on her! Today though she asked if I would be a model for her skills. So I volunteered my leg!

See, a nice, relatively unscathed calf:
She used a pre-made transfer that went on kind of like a fake tattoo. She put it on with the paper side up then coated the paper with water until the transfer let loose and was stuck on me!
There are lots of tools to the trade! Spray bottles of glue and alcohol, sponges, paint brushes and more.
To give the cut a little more character she plucked at it with a needle-looking thing. It made it look like the "skin" was ragged and torn some.
"Bloody" q-tips
Adding some shiny "blood"
Looks pretty gnarly huh?
Being an ornery daughter I text my mom a picture of my leg when it was done and told her that I had fallen off of Brie's bike. I played it up for a while complaining about how bad it hurt and saying I might need to get stitches. A mean joke I know, but all in fun...she did not laugh. Oops! Sorry again mom, no real harm done, a little rubbing alcohol made it all go away!!

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