Thursday, July 14, 2011

Frowny Face For Netflix

I am none too pleased with Netflix's recent announcement to up their prices drastically. The package I currently have allows me to watch instant streaming shows and movies as well as have one DVD out at a time for a monthly charge of $10.98. That seems reasonable for the amount of programs I watch. But now Netflix is splitting the package so that you have to pay $7.99 a month for instant streaming and another $7.99 for one DVD out at a time. So now, with tax I am looking at approximately $17.50 a month. That is an increase of around 60% in one swoop! Sigh. I am not sure what I am going to do. The price change does not go into effect until September 1st so I have a few weeks to mull it over. But let it be known, I am unhappy about this!!!

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