Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall, Is That You?

I didn’t want to jinx anything by getting excited too quickly, but I think that fall, or the closest I am going to see down here, has begun! The other day when I was leaving for work I stepped outside and was greeted by a light breeze, low humidity, and sunny weather. Gorgeous! I have since ridden in my car with the air conditioner off and the windows down! We have bumped the AC down at the house too so it isn’t on as much. And, as AV reminded me the other day, it is almost to the point where I can open the door in my room that leads to the patio and have the screen pulled to let the nice weather in! (AV had my room before Billy, so he knows the ins and outs!)

Mom sent me my autumn decorations (wooden acorns, pictures of changing leaves, etc.) a few weeks back that I think I am going to set out soon! Of all the seasons, fall is definitely my favorite!

Here are some pictures I have taken in the past, all in Virginia. If I see any leaves a-changin' in NOLA I will post them too!

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