Saturday, September 18, 2010

All Dolled Up

Thursday evening Brie, Jon and I decided to get fancy and have a night on the town! We drove down to the French Quarter to dine at the Pelican Club where Evan and Daniel work (Brie used to work there). Daniel was our waiter while Evan was working a party in the other room. The food was delicious and so elegantly presented. Once our dinner was complete and we had our doggie bags we headed back Uptown to see an early premiere of The Town at the Prytania Theater. Jon has some awesome connections there and is constantly getting into such events. I believe he is beginning to work there as a manager/promoter. I loved the movie. It is reminiscent of The Departed, but not quite as clever. None-the-less, Ben Affleck looked irresistible with his short hair style, stubbly facial hair, and Carhart wardrobe. The aerial views of Boston were beautiful, there was a small scene with Chris Cooper and the love story on the side all made for a great film in my opinion. Overall the evening was a blast being all dolled up and having a great time with friends.

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