Friday, September 3, 2010


I watched my first Saints football game last night and though they lost it was a fairly enjoyable experience. Brie and I went to the Noble’s house to catch the game with Daniel, Barbara and Jon. I had been warned by Daniel earlier that Barbara can be very stressful to watch games with because she gets so intense! But since this was just a pre-season game, she remained relatively calm. She and Jon attempted to educate me as best they could on the rules of football but I am sure it will take a few more viewings before I really start to understand everything. (Daniel said it was nice to have someone in the room who knew less about the sport than he did!) The first official game of the season is next Thursday but I think I will be at work. I hope to get to go to a home game at some point but I hear the tickets are crazy expensive so we will have to see!

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