Saturday, October 2, 2010


I have been told by at least half a dozen people over the years that I should watch the show Dexter. It is about a guy who works for the police and is a serial killer, but he only murders bad guys that deserve it. “It’s right up your alley” they say, “you’ll love it!” Well, they were right!

Brie is a big fan of the show and we get Showtime here at the house, so she has begun watching the new season (#5). I am currently trying to play catch up via Netflix and Blockbuster! I just finished seasons one and two and am excited to be starting the next shortly. The only problem with trying to catch up on Dexter is that each episode is a little under an hour long, each season has twelve episodes, so quick math… I have about 48 hours of show to watch!! I better get on it!

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