Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Lumineers

Tuesday = last minute Dinner Lab. Wednesday = last minute Lumineers concert!
An old co-worker and pal had a free ticket and inquired about my interest in going with her Wednesday morning! I knew they were playing New Orleans at some point in October but had not looked into tickets so the surprise offer to go was more than exciting!
A band called Nathanial Rateliff opened, followed by Dr. Dog. I need to look both up on iTunes because I liked their sound. We had general admission tickets so that put us on the ground level where everyone was standing. The only other time I have been to UNO's Lakefront Arena was to see Bob Dylan a few years back.
Crowd shot from the top of the arena | The Lumineers' beautiful set... check out those gorgeous chandeliers
Laura and I had decided to not fight the masses in an attempt to get closer, so we hung back in the crowd. This choice paid off in a tremendous way when half way through their set the band set up a makeshift stage RIGHT IN FRONT OF US and performed two songs! These pictures are not zoomed in, the entire band was within arms distance! I thought that was super cool that they came out and gave others a chance to see them up close and personal! I'm sure the folks in the stands appreciated it too since they were closer to them as well.
I would say I knew 75% of the songs they played but had a big smile plastered on my face 100% of the show! Their energy was very fun!

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