Sunday, October 13, 2013


Believe it or not, despite my love for the horror flick genre, I had never seen Carrie until last night. Like most every other American that didn't grow up living under a rock, I knew the gist of the story: "they're all going to laugh at you", pig's blood, telekinesis, mean girls, etc. However, I did take away a few additional things:
  • Who knew that John Travolta was in this movie?! I certainly did not. Why did I not know this? He definitely was no charming Danny Zuko, that's for sure! His character was ornery and constantly drunk.
  • Those girls were just plain ol' mean to Carrie! Who does that to someone? I hear so much about anti-bullying campaigns these days, but clearly this is not a recent phenomenon. Mean Girls has nothing on the brats in this movie. 
  • It seemed like there was more nudity than I imagined would have been kosher in 1976. Multiple full frontal girls. Surprised me.
  • The guy who took Carrie to prom.... what on earth was that hair-do?? His blond locks were so full and bouncy! I bet a lot of ladies were jealous!
  • Was it just me, or did there seem to be an excessive amount of slapping going on throughout this film? Teachers slapping students, girlfriends slapping boyfriends, boyfriends slapping girlfriends, mothers slapping daughters. So much slapping!
I am looking forward to the remake coming out later this month!  
1976 v. 2013
 Those blond ringlets! John Travolta's hair was quite enviable too!
They basically showed you the entire movie in the trailer! "If you have a taste for terror..."

The version of "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow" is creepy!

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