Monday, October 21, 2013

Challah-Day Baking Class

On Saturday afternoon I took part in another bread making class at Gracious Bakery. The focus was on sweet doughs and we made Challah, cinnamon rolls, brioche, and Babka. I am still no-pro by a long stretch, but I find the classes fun none-the-less!
Sara trying her hand(s) at shaping brioche balls. She was pretty good!
Chris, a baker at Gracious, showing us how to do the 6 piece braided Challah. It is way more complicated than a regular braid!
6 piece braided piece and Challah roll with pumpkin seeds after they had proofed. | Finished regular braid Challah loaves.
 Proofed chocolate swirled Babka
Cinnamon rolls with pecans and raisins | Savannah, another baker at Gracious, putting an egg wash on the brioche rolls | Baked brioche with brownie pieces inside, covered in a chocolate glaze that was then baked again to harden up.
 The finished, glazed cinnamon rolls | Savory brioche rolls with coppa, ricotta, and parmesan cheese baked on top | Pearled sugar brioche rolls
 My take-home pieces!
It was so much bread! Luckily the house is full of guys right now, so they have been making a dent in the goodies! I typically only get lunch when I visit Gracious (sandwich and salad combo) but I will definitely be purchasing more of these tasty delights in the future!

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