Sunday, October 6, 2013

Face Cast

Brie has been wanting to make a cast of my face for a while now and our schedules finally lined up yesterday to make it happen. She purchased a course online with instructions and supplies to get started and give her practice with special effects makeup. Refer to this post to see some of her previous work!
I found this snippet from her manual funny; this "subject" is not claustrophobic, thank goodness, and did not need to be touched and reassured the entire time, though Brie did stay with me and chat while everything was hardening up. It was just a little awkward that I couldn't reply with more than grunting noises!
I got to wear a super stylish black trash bag that was taped around my neck with blue painter's tape. As a precaution Brie put plastic bags over the chair I was sitting in, on the floor, and on the walls behind me as to not get gunk all over her house. To prepare my head for the fun she had to put a skin cap on me and slick back any fly away hairs with water so they wouldn't get caught in the alginate. She used spirit gum to glue the cap behind my ears and to my forehead. Once she had applied Vaseline to my eyebrows and I removed my nose ring she was ready to spread gunk all over me.
As instructed she started at the top of my head, spread the alginate over my eyes pushing it into the corners, then over my nose, around my mouth to my chin and neck, then finally covering my closed mouth and around my nostrils. That stuff sets up pretty quickly so this was a fast process. I had no trouble breathing out of my nose as she continued on to the next step: applying the strips of plaster. Before the plaster went on I could still sense some light through the alginate, but once the plaster was over my eyes it was all dark. Then it was a drying game. I probably sat there for about ten minutes while Brie chatted away as to reassure her subject that everything was going to be okay! LOL! When it was time to remove everything I twisted my face around, stretching my jaw and wiggling my forehead to help the cast release from my skin. It came off pretty easily.
The plaster part sets up hard and the alginate is kind of rubbery. So now she has a cast to fill with other gunk that will give her a 3D version of my face that she will be able to apply different prosthetic/make up techniques to. I look forward to seeing what kinds of things she creates!
After that fun adventure I went to get a manicure and pedicure then found myself wandering around Target for a bit. I tired on a few dresses and therefore was looking at myself in a mirror. I didn't notice anything odd at all. Later that night when I was going to take my makeup off I spotted red marks around my neck. When Brie removed the painters tape earlier in the day she commented on the marks it left behind but they went away and I assumed they were just a result of sticky tape being gently ripped off my flesh. Now I am wondering if I am allergic to that adhesive. It doesn't itch or bother me, but still this morning you can see faint marks. Weird.
*notice my nice new blue nails :)

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