Thursday, September 1, 2011

Back to the Market

I finally made it back to the Hollygrove Market the other day. The market's limited hours of operation and my crazy work schedule has made getting there difficult so I was glad to have the chance to stop by this week.

I ended up with mushrooms, peppers, rice, cucumbers, 2 types of pears, peanuts, butter beans, sprouts, limes, herbs, and a bag of okra (I forgot to include that in my picture).

It was cool to see the different types of things they were offering as opposed to earlier in the summer. They had sugar cane rods available but I wouldn't have a clue what to do with it so I did not purchase one! I don't know what to do with the butter beans--I have never had them before so I will look up some recipes unless anyone has any suggestions?

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