Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Quick Visit

This past weekend I made a quick trip to Lexington to see family and enjoy the lack of extreme heat! I flew into Lynchburg Thursday night. Here is a mini picture tour of my visit:

Nice puffy view from the plane

I made many trips to my LB's (Bryan's) new bachelor pad. Picked up laundry, took laundry back, watched dad mow the grass, washed his dishes. This kid has it made!

Visited an old family house that has been renovated. (This room is still very 1920's)

Watched the sunset over the mountains.

Enjoyed some chuckwagon steak at the Lexington Restaurant. Nothing in the place appears to have been purchased since the 1970's but the food is always delicious!

Did some good ol' fashioned rock shoveling!

Watched LB get dirtier than I thought humanly possible.

Ate at Kenney's not once but twice! Soooo worth the drive to the top of the hill!

Caught Grandmaw learning how to grow a donut plant ;-)

I greatly enjoyed the cooler weather, the yummy food and seeing lots of family!

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