Sunday, September 18, 2011

What A Weekend

Things I did this weekend:
  • Helped Brie clean and re-arrange the living room to accommodate a new couch
  • Finished reading Breaking Dawn (I have now read the series twice and feel fully prepared for the first part of the last movie that is coming out in November)
  • Cleaned my bathroom
  • Ordered a super cute clutch from Express
  • Painted my fingernails black and gold twice before giving up and removing all of my efforts
  • Went to my first Saints game at the Superdome!!
  • Enjoyed an awesome Duck Confit Club sandwich at a great little restaurant, Capdeville
  • Watched my crap-tastic Netflix movie (Red Riding Hood...don't rent it. I gave it two stars because 1 just seems mean.)
  • Used my 30 cents off per gallon to fill up my gas tank for less than $50. YAY!
  • Killed approximately 34 mosquitoes that were chowing down on my flesh/blood
  • Saw Dwayne-The Rock-Johnson while waiting for the streetcar
  • Received a card in the mail from my Maw-maw
  • Watched Dexter get robbed of multiple Emmy's (2 weeks til the season premiere!)
Now it is time to hit the hay before starting another week at work!

1 comment:

  1. Red Riding Hood was just plain bad! I demand that Cox gives me my 4.99 back that I spent to rent that awfulness.

