Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pumpkin Dip

Since tomorrow marks the official beginning of fall I whipped up some pumpkin dip to take to work for the manager's meeting we have every Thursday. I acquired the recipe from my Aunt Judy and have made it many times over the years. It is super easy and tasty but I was slightly concerned as to whether Tariq, our chef, would enjoy it. But one taste and his response said it all "well that's a fucking delight!" (pardon the language, but that is his favorite word.)

I have always used ginger snaps to dip into this sweet treat, but this time I also offered honey graham cracker sticks, and granny Smith apple slices. Yum!!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, you're pumpkin dip must be different than my pumpkin dip because mine is cheesy and rich. I'd love the recipe! <3whitney
