Monday, September 5, 2011

Cabin Fever

I have been pretty cooped up this rainy holiday weekend. I have left the house some, but not enough! To attempt to stave off boredom I have done the following:
  • Watched Zodiac (a DVD I have had for a long time that I have been meaning to watch)
  • Read multiple chapters in Breaking Dawn (yes, I am re-reading the Twilight Saga before the movie comes out in November)
  • Did a few loads of laundry
  • Dyed my hair (damn grays)
  • Cleaned the bathroom
  • Wrote some postcards
  • Went to the theater with Brie to see Rise of the Planets of the Apes
  • Stopped by Creole Creamery for some treats with Brie
  • Caught up with Kardashians
  • Mixed up a little cocktail of Fruit Punch and Malibu
  • Put in a few hours at work to get ahead for tomorrow
  • Caught up on a ton of sleep
The rain is over, the weather is cooler, and tomorrow starts a short work week :) Yay!

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