Sunday, September 25, 2011

Learning My History

Thanks to "Free Museum Day" put on by the Smithsonian Institute I went to the World War II Museum on Saturday. I have been wanting to go, but the $19 ticket price has held me back.

Streetcar to the museum: $1.25
Ticket to the museum: $0.00
Trinkets in the museum shop: $17.70
4+ hours of wholesome/educational entertainment for $18.95, not too shabby!

Due to the free ticket deal, and the fact that it was the weekend, it was pretty crowded, but not unbearable. I took my time meandering through the exhibits, reading lots of the signs and plaques, and watching tons of videos. They have a lot of cool visual aids and artifacts from both the American side of the war as well as the axis powers.

My favorite parts were the exhibit on how Americans helped troops by collecting tin, aluminum, oil/fat, rubber, etc. to recycle, and the section on D-Day, which I somehow, did not realize involved the British and Canadians too. Somewhere along the line my public education has failed me!

I am very glad that I got to go check it out and if there was any way possible, I would love to take my Paw-paw there to see it, but being 86 and living in Virginia may not allow that to happen. Guess the postcard I am mailing him from there will have to do.

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