Friday, April 15, 2011

Spanish Lessons With Evelyn

I took Spanish for three years in high school and by some miracle of God got out of having to take a language in college by passing a Spanish test. For three years of public school learning I certainly do not remember much. However, Evelyn, my Honduran co-worker has been helping me out with that! She is a very motherly, Christian woman who is so sweet!

While packaging goodies and doing our work we chat about various things. Recently I have been asking how to say words and phrases in her native tongue which she happily obliges me with. Here are a few of my newest vocab words:

Rabbit/bunny - Conejo
Eggs - Huevos
Purple - Morado
Grass - Grama

No more eggs! - No mas huevos!
I need 48 four piece purple bunnies. - Necesito cuatrenta ocho cuatro pesa conejos de morado.
I drink a lot of water and have to go to the bathroom. - Bebo mucho agua y tengo ir al bano.

Yup, I am going to be fluent before ya know it! Oh, and the whole egg thing is because we have chocolate/peanut butter eggs for Easter that we have to wrap individually in gold foil. Most of the words I am learning right now are Easter in nature and work related. But I have been working on numbers (numeros) and the days of the week (Manana es Sabado - Tomorrow is Saturday) too!!

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