Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Surprise

For the past few weeks I have been planning and scheming a trip to Virginia. I have been texting, Facebook messaging, and blatantly asking various family members what their Easter plans were in hopes of surprising as many folks as possible! My plan was simple, leave New Orleans around 8:00PM, drive all night, arrive at Maw-maw's around noon to be there when they got home from church then go to Grandmaw's in the afternoon. Sounds simple enough right? Let it be known that I have never pulled a true all-nighter in my 25 years until this weekend. With help from Netflix, some Dane Cook stand up, and a full iPod I managed to drive the 900 miles without a sleep break. (A list of lessons I learned from my road trip will be provided in a future post.) I arrived in little ol' Lexington around 11:30AM without anyone being none-the-wiser. I would say it was a successful surprise indeed!

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