Sunday, April 17, 2011

Midnight Break-In

Last night Brie, Zach and I were watching a movie on the couch when I received a phone call from AV. It seems that he had locked his house key inside the restaurant that he works at. Being the smart fellow that he is, he had devised a plan to get into his house despite this obstacle. His proposal required a willing friend with an SUV (me!).

I drove to St. Joe's (the bar down the street) and picked him up. We then made our way a few blocks over to where he works so that he could procure a 10 foot ladder from the back of the restaurant. This is where the necessity for the SUV came into play. We put my back window down and slid the ladder in my car over the seats. Next we were off to his house to attempt to break in.

The original idea was to prop the ladder up outside of his second story bedroom window that he knew was unlocked. However, upon arrival it was clear that a 15 foot ladder would be needed to complete the task. On to Plan B. In his back yard there is a small deck beneath his bathroom window. With the added elevation of the deck it was worth a shot. My job was to hold his valuables (wallet, iPod, phone, and crisp white work shirt) and steady the ladder while he climbed to the tip top and then proceeded to leap into his window. Good thing AV is an athletic guy! He shimmied into his bathroom then acquired his other set of keys. With the keys to his house and car in hand we returned the ladder to its home and called the mission a success!

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