Friday, April 8, 2011

Netflix Affair

I have had an on-again off-again affair with Netflix over the years. I once was a loyal DVD watcher, then I took a break from my account for a few months because I did not feel like I was using the service enough to warrant a monthly bill, now our relationship is one of both DVD and instant viewing. I believe that Netflix has exposed me to movies I never would have seen otherwise and for that I am grateful. Recently I have viewed such documentaries as Paper Clips, This Film Is Not Yet Rated, Fall From Grace, and Forgiving Dr. Mengele. Netflix assisted me in cultivating my love for Dexter, and has helped me rekindle my fondness for such shows as Young Riders from days gone by. When I see that little red envelope waiting for me at the door a smile comes to my face. I know that inside will be my latest choice of cinema, whether that be a romantic comedy, horror flick, or drama. While my connection with the convenient luxury certainly has morphed and transformed over time, I am planning on continuing our relationship as it is one that makes me happy!

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