Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Lessons From the Road

Here are some things I learned on my solo road trip:

The Sun Matters
I drove over eight hours in the dark and was quickly fading, but when the sun began to rise it was as if I caught an instant second wind!

Energy Drinks
I don't know if I believe in the power of energy drinks. I think that once you drink one you *think* you have more energy. I do believe that they make your heart race! Over the course of six hours I drank two 5 Hour Energies and one Redbull. I still felt tired but my heart was beating noticeably faster.

Pit Stops
Day time: Smile friendly at everyone. "Hi Mr. Joe Truck Driver! How are you? Happy Easter!" Leisurely stroll to and from the gas station/rest area.

Night time: Avoid eye contact. Assume everyone is a deranged serial killer that plans to make you their next victim. Walk swiftly to and from destination with your phone in one hand and keys in the other.

Variety Is Important
I relied on a combination of music (high energy, upbeat, and good to sing along tunes), podcasts (educational and entertaining), Dane Cook comedy (made me chuckle), and Netflix (comedies and musicals I had already seen so I didn't need to focus on the screen, just listen). Since I was traveling at night I couldn't call and chat with anyone, making all of my other time-passers that much more important!

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