Wednesday, February 3, 2016

King Cake Festival

Ochsner held their third annual King Cake Festival at Champion Square outside the Superdome on Sunday. The proceeds from the event benefit the children's hospital. There were over two dozen vendors and food trucks cranking out samples of their version of a king cake while bands played on the stage. Each sample cost a ticket ($1) and you were given two doubloons upon entering the festival to use for casting your vote for People's Choice. 
Sara and I each had 10 tickets to gobble up. I was feeling adventurous and tried Kingfish's "Mardi Foie King Cake" made with foie gras (fattened goose liver) and a duck fat icing. It was the only savory slice I had, all others were laden with sugar. I can't remember all of the bakeries we tried, but after 9 samples I was DONE! I couldn't force a 10th down. 

Most bakeries served tiny samples in little plastic cups. Maurice's French Pastries had a strawberry shortcake like option. One I tried was apple fritter and another was sweet potato. Some were like doughnuts, others brioche. There was something for everyone.
The Hyatt Regency's bakery, Pain Frais, did a fried dough filled with chocolate curry sauce with toasted coconut. They had the longest line of any vendor and their portion was huge compared to everyone else's! It was unique and very tasty: worth the 20 minute wait!
The creepy King Cake Baby was wandering around taking picture with everyone. Curtis (Sara's brother), Sara and I took our turn as her parents watched!
I left the festival feeling glad to have gone and participated but sick from all of that sugar. Despite the fact that while working at Sucre I was surrounded by sweets and king cakes, this year, without working there, I have tried a bunch of other cakes and feel 10x worse. I have less than a week more of temptation then they'll be gone from bakeries and grocery stores until next year. Just typing this makes me want to go eat a handful of lettuce to counteract the sugar.

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