Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mardi Gras #6

My first Mardi Gras without having to balance work and fun!!! Woo hoo! It was a constant rallying of energy as usual, but this year I was not dependent on Redbull to pull me through! Cori, Sara and I wore and rotated multiple wigs, we had festive tights, glittery tulle skirts, head bands, and lots of carnival shirts! I felt the most prepared this year: from outfits to footwear to beverages, we had our shit together!

Moonshine in all its flavored glory! Margarita & Blackberry mix very well, and the soaked peaches complimented our champagne wonderfully!

Purple & green wigs for the win!

Sara, Me, Tyler, Brie, and Cori at Thoth

Thoth rolled on Sunday with perfect weather. | Confetti & lights at a night parade

Ribbon fun & lots of costumes on Mardi Gras day downtown

Solange Knowles was the honorary Muse this year. Unfortunately she threw her wedding ring off with beads along the route. I doubt it will ever be recovered. 

Rows & rows of ladders for the kiddies. | A float poking fun at the super slow construction progress occurring all across town!

King Cake daiquiri! | The three amigas ready for Muses!

A group of dominos being knocked down by a car!

Me, Tyler (ready to root for his Panthers in the Super Bowl) & Brie at Thoth

A float in Morpheus. | Clean up post parade. Still amazes me how quickly things return to "clean" after the fun! 

A time-lapse of clean up after Thoth.

More wigged shenanigans :)

AV with his tambourine

Me & Brie on Canal Street catching the tail of Rex

Sara, Jen & Jackie at Morpheus. | Purple suits Sara!

610 Stompers doing their thing!

Anthony Mackie chucked cups at us during Bacchus! 

The annual ground photos of the wreckage.

Another Carnival Season in the books :)

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